Saturday, July 31, 2010

What a Summer!

We've had the most amazing summer (well, winter in the southern hemisphere) of visitors here in Tanzania!

We are SO thankful for the fantastic contribution made by each of the visiting teams. Young people in our inner city have been challenged by lessons on integrity and faithfulness. They've gone to new levels in their English classes and they've been blessed with new gear for their soccer team while watching the old dump they usually play on slowly transformed into a level playing field.

Maasai kids, so extremely underprivileged you wouldn't believe the condition of their lives or standard of education, have enjoyed stimulating games and lessons and celebrated the morale boost of a fresh paint job on their school. Their headmaster beamed at the results!

Rural women have gathered for honest and helpful teaching on health and HIV/AIDS. They've seen the care teams have taken to help them with their artisan business and been blessed by the commitment to their well-being.

Through it all, in direct and indirect ways, God's love has been expressed to many. What a privilege to participate in spreading the reality of his passion for people. What a joy to do it together with the amazing people who came our way in these last 3 months.

Photo at top: the last of the summer teams heads out of camp. More photos soon! :-)

1 comment:

Marie Chichester said...

You are all awesome...Thank you for serving in TZ! God must be smiling! I wish I could see the soccer field, please do post pics when you get a chance.