Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We Celebrate!

It's so good to stop and celebrate!

We threw a "Staff Appreciation, Christmas and Goodbye Danny" party not long ago :-)

New Wild Hope shirts were a hit :-)

Lovely Faith, our bookkeeper.

Some of the men took over the roasting of the goat.

Josephine and Lillian enjoy the stories.

Thanks, Danny, for all your help with everything! (And, yes, we'll get you another FANTA right away!)

Not long after our staff party, the Nyota Football and Leadership Academy took time to celebrate a good year together.

Future soccer stars?

Cool enough to be a star already!

The younger kids cheer the year.

Peter gives an overview and look ahead chat.

Chase helps give out awards.

Steve with Oscar and Mama Oscar. Steve lived with this Nyota family during his 6 week home stay.

All the festivities reminded us that we have so much to be thankful for!